Sunday, December 29, 2013

Life is Quiet

     After the fast pace of the summer it is the quiet ending to yet another kitten season.  It is a time for me to rest for the next season and whatever it brings.  It is sad as I do love each baby with my whole heart yet happy as the babies find their forever homes.  Nov 30 all the babies except Nash went to Petsmart.  Jorja (name will be kept), Mandarin and Marmalade all got adopted to their forever homes.  Jayden was adopted and will be staying here until Jan 7th.  So I was left with the 5 boys and Jayden.  It has been fun to watch the growing babies play and develop their own personalities.  On Boxing Day a family adopted Morrison, Maddox and Zodiac.  It is good to see the 3 brothers will get to be brothers forever. It emptied my house drastically in one big moment.  It took a few days to adjust to the big change.  Jayden, Nash and James enjoy playing together and all 3 come and sleep on my bed during the night.  Jayden still likes to go for her morning nap back to my bed where the boys sleep in the livingroom showing their different preferences.

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