Thursday, October 10, 2013


The first 4 pictures are how I found Asia and Aster sleeping then Austin joined in.  Then pictures of Asia, Aster and Austin.  No pictures today of Tricket because she left for her forever home.  The goodbyes begin again.  Tricket arrived here July 29 and has a firm spot in my heart.  Asia, Austin and Aster are now up for adoption.
     My precious little baby girl who arrived on Saturday died Monday night around 7 pm.  I asked my vet on Wed about what more could have been done for her.  I had given her subcutaneous fluids, probiotics and white corn syrup picking everything that I could think that would help.  Because they were hypothermic she said that my good care enabled them to survive a few days but the organs had started to shut down when they were so very cold.  The little girl purred for me on Monday so I know she felt loved and was saying thank you.  I felt empty after both were gone as I had given everything I had into trying to save them but am glad for the short time I had with them.
     Zodiac is growing so much.  He was 264g tonight.  He is bright and alert and likes to walk around on the floor for short periods of time.  He drank half a bottle tonight.  I am so glad when I see good appetites.  He is 18 days old today. 
     Yesterday at noon before I went to work I received 3 more little babies.  They are about 4 weeks old.  I was surprised that they weighed 312g, 312g and 354g when I weighed them yesterday.  They are very fluffy kittens so seemed bigger than their weights showed.  They took a bottle readily which is a sigh of relief as 4 week old kittens are usually in the in between stage of too young to eat canned food well enough to have a full meal and too old to know how to take a bottle.  They are drinking lots of milk and this afternoon ate a plate of canned food.  Pictures of them soon once names are decided on.  They are learning the ropes of living in my house and know my voice already.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, that's so sad :( poor little Pumpkin.
    But Iam thankful for everything that you did for them.
    Thank you from myself and my family. <3
