Sunday, June 15, 2014

Galaxy, Gianni,Granger, Gulliver, Garnett Are 4 Weeks Old Today

The two families finally got to meet yesterday.  As you can see they blended into a  single family very easily.  Freckle still likes to sleep in the bathroom by herself (must be quieter there and she gets the whole bed to herself).
     The G babies are doing great.  All were over my goal for them of 400g.  They are starting to nibble on canned food.  Fergusson had better watch out as they will be eating canned food before him unless he starts digging in himself.  The babies are pretty good on using the litter box.  They got to be out for a couple of hours yesterday morning and that is all they could handle.  It is a big world out there when you are used to a 2' x 4' cage.  They no longer get the heat lamp either.  So many changes and steps forward this last week.  Granger is the leader of his siblings (there is always one in every litter).  They are such good babies and all of us have survived to this next stage. 

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