Thursday, July 3, 2014

Conley, Cullen and Cypress Are 5 Weeks Old



The newest additions are doing great.  They held their own weight wise for the first 3 days then suddenly they started growing and eating lots as they have gained a good amount of weight.  Cypress (gray) went from 378g to 468g.  Cullen (black) went from 406g to 514g.  Conley (brown tabby) went from 370g to 488g.  They are plump babies who love to play.  They have figured out the house routine.  They love to snuggle into me when I hold them.  They purr a lot and like to rub faces with me.  It was hard to take pictures of Cypress as she loved the scratching post and kept rubbing her face on it and rolling onto her back.  They are using the litter box consistently.
     Freckle is getting adopted.  Her new mom will be able to pick her up on July 13 (the day after she gets vaccinated).  She will be pampered for the rest of her life. 

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